1. Will wearing glasses for a prolonged time, further deteriorate vision?

There is no evidence to support that belief.

Studies show that the major influence on development of refractive error is heredity.

2. Are children’s glasses made the same way as adult glasses?

In comparison to adult frames, children’s frames are designed to be more flexible and durable.  Many manufacturers  offer comprehensive warranties.

The lenses are made of the safest material available, usually polycarbonate or trivex. These materials are impact resistant, have built-in UV protection and are lighter than CR-39 plastic which is typically used to make spectacle lenses.

3. How often will my child need their glasses replaced?

In the first few years of life, the prescription and/or the need for larger frame size may be necessary as often as every 4 to 6 months. As the child becomes older, the frequency generally reduces to an annual basis.

4. When should a child have his or her first eye exam?

In general, when a baby is born at term and is healthy, the initial screening is done by the Pediatrician shortly after birth.

The next major screening is generally done at age 3.5 to 4 years. There are exceptions to this general rule (such premature birth, family history of eye diseases …). In these special circumstances, the screening frequency is tailored to the need of each child in consultation with the physician(s) involved in his/her care.

5. Should I buy a back-up pair of glasses?

Children can be rough with their glasses. So it is a good idea to have a secondary pair. This is especially true if the child has a strong prescription and can not function without their glasses.

6. Why should my child wear sport goggles?

Most eye injuries are caused while playing sports or during active play. Experts agree that most of these injuries could be prevented by wearing appropriate eye protection.  Sport goggles are made with impact resistant lenses, such as Polycarbonate or Trivex.

7. When should a child start to wear sunglasses?

Early exposure to UV radiation has been linked to the development of eye conditions associated with sun damage.

It is recommended that adults also wear sunglasses, even on overcast days.  Unprotected UV exposure to the sun rays can increase the risk of eyelid cancers in older age. Therefore, it is never too early or too late to start wearing sunglasses.

8. What is strabismus?

Refers to abnormal alignment of the eyes, includes some commonly used terms such as cross-eyed or wall-eyed.

9. What is amblyopia?

Also commonly called lazy eye, is a condition in children when vision does not develop properly in one or both eyes, most commonly due to strabismus or uncorrected high prescription.

If left untreated, the child’s vision will not develop correctly.

10. What is farsighted?

When applied to adults, a farsighted person has better vision in distance than at near, without glasses.

Children have a much greater ability to accommodate for near vision than adults. At times the effort to focus at near in a far-sighted child can induce eye crossing (known as accommodative esotropia).  In these individuals, when the farsightedness is corrected with glasses, the eye crossing often goes away.  Many children outgrow the condition with age.

11. What is nearsighted?

A nearsighted person has better vision at near than at a distance, without glasses.

12. What is astigmatism?

Refers to the situation where the cornea is shaped more like an american football than a basketball.  The corneal curvature is steeper in one meridian than the other.

A person with astigmatism experiences optical blur both at near and distance.